Hormonal therapy in Cancer Treatment

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  • Hormonal therapy is a form of cancer treatment where cancer cells are killed by modifying the hormones in the body.             
  • It can be either given in oral form or injectable form. 
  • Since it only acts by modifying hormonal status in the body it does not have typical side-effects like that of chemotherapy and can work wonders and with least side effects if used in proper indications.                 

Hormonal therapy is used most commonly in :

  1. Breast cancer.
  2. Prostate cancer.
  3. Uterine Cancer.
  4. Ovarian Cancer.

Hormonal therapy in Cancer Treatment | Dr. Rahul Kulkarni

This patient was receiving chemotherapy with no benefit and was facing side-effects of the same and due to disease progression.When she came to us we carefully reviewed her previous biopsy reports and confirmed that her tumour was Positive for Hormonal receptors.She was then started on only Hormonal therapy which gave her dramatic disease and symptom control.Careful and proper treatment selection is the key in Cancer Treatment.